Tejano History

1846 Republic of Texas

Maps | State |

Map/Doc #:   1891
Digital TIF Size:  453.09 MB
Digital PDF Size:  140.17 MB
Subject:  Republic Maps.
Title 1:  Map of Texas, Compiled from surveys on record in the General Land Office of the Republic to the year 1839
Region:  Texas
Creation Date:  xx/xx/1891
Publisher:  Richard S. Hunt and Jesse F. Randel
Compiler:  Richard S. Hunt, Jesse F. Randel
Draftsman:  Sid. J. Rowe (copied by)
Size: (in inches)  36.6 x 25.7
Format:  1 map; tracing, colored
Scale Per Inch:  20 miles
Collection:  State
Comments:  Facsimile tracing, copied in 1891.


Maps courtesy of Texas General Land Office